
Vai Pra Cima, Fred

Fred, the charismatic host of the Desimpedidos YouTube channel, is gearing up for a captivating adventure deeply rooted in his passion: futsal. From his early years, Fred nurtured the dream of becoming a professional futsal player, and finally, the universe has conspired in his favor. An exciting opportunity has presented itself in the form of an invitation to collaborate with the prestigious futsal team, Magnus! Branded as "Vai Pra Cima, Fred," this 8-part YouTube Originals series beckons you to witness Fred's extraordinary odyssey, offering an immersive glimpse into his pursuit of futsal excellence.

Develop visuals that not only serve as key promotional elements but also effectively convey the dynamic and adventurous nature of the series. These assets should resonate with the audience, compelling them to embark on this thrilling ride alongside Fred.


Balancing Act

Hopes and dreams hanging in the balance. One misstep, a sudden falter, and it can all come toppling down. A balancing act for the ages.

To encapsulate the exhilarating, nail-bitting tone of the series, they key art centered Fred balancing a ball on his in head in front of a packed crowd.

Digital marketing assets included channel art, banners, social squares and social headers. Assets were on display throughout YouTube, YouTube TV, Google Play, within marketing email blasts and on social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 


Over 30
million views

Fred’s dream has been realized, and to date, more than
30 million viewers have followed along for the thrilling ride!


Carly Ouellette, Josh Manore, Tomi Rosanwo,
Natasya Hopkins

Role: Concept, Design, Retouching